Jude Sawyer

Jude Sawyer


For my Turnrow I decided to advance my skills in SCUBA and get my Advance Cert. I chose this because I feel that the skill of “Underwater Breathing” can unlock new possibilities for myself and help others with SCUBA related things. I think that SCUBA is very human centered and project based if you take the courses as given for example when you register for your classes you get to pick which “Electives” you get to take to advance your skills as your own diver. SCUBA is one of the most versatile jobs you can get and I think because of that it can open up a whole new field of opportunities for jobs or for recreation. The skills I learned consisted from underwater fish identification and how you can be a safer and more reliable diver through awareness. I also took the Enriched Air Nitrox course which consisted of using different levels of oxygen and nitrogen and how those different levels can help with your diving or hurt you in a diving situation. I know that these skills learned can be used recreationally or professionally as a teacher or a tech diver.

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StartEd Up

In the beginning of the second semester I joined a project to host a “Hack-a-Thon” in Wilson, Arkansas and see what it takes to become a chapter. My role in the beginning was to find people that have a background in “Rural Food Deserts” and to prepare them to speak at the event. Eventually we heard back from places like NEA Food Bank, Brotherly Love Food Pantry, and Heather Jamerson.

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The reason I choose this position is so that I can personally grow my communication skills while also learning about things like rural food deserts and what it means to become a chapter. I think that this project will help me in future endeavors like starting a business, partnering with other companies, and communicating with team members. I learned a mix of a lot of things from starting a bank account with a partner to seeing how/why food pantries are struggling and what their struggles are.

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