Jake Hart

Jake Hart

The Space Pod - Podcast

I created a podcast about astronomy. I worked on the art, recordings, research, and the editing. Everything in my podcast was done by me except for the music and sound effects. Two of the songs I have for my podcast were made by a fellow classmate whilst the other bits of music and sound effects I researched and used (all are not copyrighted). So starting off with the art I wanted to make a profile that was representing of my podcast style and something that would be somewhat memorable. So I went with pixel art! I really enjoyed making it and I’ve always loved the retro video game style art.

Image of App

As for recording at first I just used the sound booth we had at school and learned how to use the sound board so I could get my voice just right. I also learned the program adobe audition and consistently learned more and became familiar with the program itself. Later on things became harder as I got stuck in my house. I had to start recording from my phone which isn’t always the best. I would get under a cover and record myself, but I found the audio to be very inconsistent and the volume of my voice to vary in each clip. It made editing harder in some parts and I tried my best but in these more recent recordings there is some jumpy audio. Recording has been a learning process for me and I think I have learned the most from it and editing. Now for editing I had to make an intro, outro, and clip everything together. Editing is the longest process for me and the most time consuming. I had to cut the music and lower it throughout each section and make sure everything was pretty leveled. In editing I am proud of a lot of it, but I also think there is much room for improvement. The more I edit I start to notice small things in my past episodes and it makes me wanna go back and change them. And as for my most recent episode I completely scrapped it and started over cause I just didn’t feel like it was as good as my others. This made doing that episode a lot harder and it took up more time, but I think it is definitely better than before.

The Space Pod · Episode 1 Mars
The Space Pod · Neptune
The Space Pod · Voyager 1 And 2

Research was really fun for me because I enjoyed learning about our solar system and astronomy. I learned so much in this process about Neptune, Mars, spacecrafts, etc. I remember the whole reason I wanted to start a space podcast was because over the summer I had been so interested in space videos and looking into more about the universe itself. I am glad that at The Delta School I was able to turn it into something fun like a podcast and be able to teach others about our universe through my podcast as well as learn some things myself from doing so. In the future I think the work I’ve done for this could help because even if I don’t know what I wanna be when I grow up the amount of knowledge and skill I’ve gained from this could come in handy later in life. I know that I probably wanna go into a field similar to this and I think that I have the knowledge to be able to pursue and go even further.

Here’s a link to the Podcast!

Image of App

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